Wednesday, December 27, 2017

The Last Man and Decaying Democracies !!

Since the onset of civilization and ensued thought based evolution , mankind is struggling  for resolution of "The Last man syndrome".  Yet Mankind has been witness to its own civilizational decay by creating several Last Men in its pursuits of more and more for some. Despite huge emphasis and impetus to alleviate the Last Man , Today's democracies and other parallel governance models are struggling hard to write a history of inclusive and integral growth.

Anything that is not integral , is difficult to be sustained. Inorganic approaches can help us bask in lies of utopian equality , but the reality lies far. For our conveniences we created ideas of Poverty lines and yet fail to even assist our major chunk of population to stay above same despite numerous inorganic approaches to achieve same. With the advent of technology and trickle down transmission of ideas and existence of fundamentals of virtual equality in our governance , The Last Man's life is further a saga of Agony. Where his ideas , concepts never seem to be meeting the promised minimum reality. The resultant gap of expectations , reality and efforts drive a deeper wedge of pain in the Last Man leading to a discontent , unsynchronized  society and result in decaying Democracies.

The dream of Global village and global villagers seem to be falling flat. Were the crusaders of global village another proponents of creating invisibile pipelines of wealth and brain drain?  Are we really succeeding in establishing  a value based sustainable world on the principles of Integral civilizational growth. Globalization is now helping us create Global Last Men in Africa , India and Middle East. Amidst the affluence of world , Haiti continues to be a socio-economic black hole.

The whole human civilization has to wake up to the challenge of "Inclusive and Integral socio-economic growth". We can not afford to have international shadow regions of abject socio-economic standards for long. The resultant chaos , conflict and upheavals will take all the shine off from our global perspective and vision. The international conflicts of plunder , terrorism , refugee crisis , melting down economies , apathy towards custodians of governance can all be rooted in one singular process of "Globalization of world for centralization of wealth. "

The world and contemporary technology have definitely made technological , commercial , economic transfer through nations seamless. The transfer of socio- cultural values have also succeeded in crossing boundaries with the ease of channel changing. The newer transportation and visa regimes have made it easier for men to travel far and beyond his origins. With all these changes happening , "The issue of Last Man" has gone global. The Last Man in the jungles of Sahara is subject to the actions and reactions of Silicon valley. The global economic land scape makes him either a victor or victim of International rally for development.

The fast and furious wheel of these ultra economic times have no or little room for poor , differently abled , the primitive tribes  or to sum up "The Last Man". The race of survival for fittest has grown murkier in days of quantitative valuation of Men and mankind.  There are lives lost in warfares resulting from greed , civilizational clashes , technological disasters  and industrial apathy. Everyday a new row of The Last Men are loosing hope and sustenance while the world has plunged into a race with itself.
More than the suffering itself , "The Last Man" finds no reasons to his sufferings and yet continues in the vicious cycle. The theosophies , the religions , the mystic too fail to offer any justification. Judaeo-Christian tradition says regarding suffering  "The meaninglessness of suffering, not the suffering, was the curse which has so far blanketed mankind[…] (GM, III, 28)"
What can be the solution ? How can we resolve this? Is the existence of Last Man an universal and eternal truth? No , as a living and thriving planet , we can not leave us to reasonless decay and despair. We must rise up to this challenge to deliver a better world everyday. The disease has grown big. We have to add value to every Human in this world in such a manner that every Man becomes important to contribute something . Unless and until we achieve this individual value addition , there will be the issue of last man and Mankind will be limited to stunted growth. "
A two way approach can help us solve our own issues: we need a combination of organic integral method as well as inorganic interventions to rid us of this.
Integral Organic Methods :
1. Value based education and training world wide. Value based policy making world wide with special reference to the marginal people.
2. Dynamic discourse and research upon individual and group traits for all possible mankind groups (Socio-economic , Religious , Racial , Geographic  etc).
3. Dynamic Identification of categories of Last men in micro and macro scenario.
4. Identification of steps to empower and add value to the Last men.
5. International program management under guidance of UN Bodies to incorporate above.
Inorganic Interventions :
1. Modern secular polities to be oriented by ideals and proponents of the “last man” thesis.
2. Immediate interventions and relief measures to safeguard basic needs of Last Men.
3. Short term and long term dynamically evolving measures for safeguarding and promoting  their sustenance needs .
4. Dynamic (not static) reservations , privileges for setting up convectional growth currents in particularly sensitive segments.
5. Making education a socially equitable exercise in societies. Bringing the complete society on one platform while imparting education.
How wisely someone had summed up Mankind's upwards dreams and downwards reality:
"People are keen to find life on Mars , Would not it be wise to save some lives on earth as well. "
Its time that democracy , polity and people by large understand the needs of "The Last Man" and the principles of all round happiness for a sustainable world.
 सर्वे भवन्तु सुखिनः सर्वे सन्तु निरामयाः 
सर्वे भद्राणि पश्यन्तु मा कश्चिद्दुःखभाग्भवेत् 
 शान्तिः शान्तिः शान्तिः 
May all become happy , May none fall ill |

May all see auspiciousness everywhere
May none ever feel sorrow |
Om Shaantih Shaantih Shaantih ||

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मेरी माँ

भोजन टेबल पर रखा जा चुका था। नजर उठा कर देखा तो माँ सामने खड़ी थी। सूती साड़ी में लिपटी वह सादगी की प्रतिमूर्ति , चेहरा सर्द बर्फ की तरह शां...